This past week I've been house-sitting for my boss who lives up on the mountain. She gets the water in her house directly from a rain catchment tank. It is gross to drink and gross to shower in. So I haven't been showering there. After class I go to my apartment, shower, and then head back up the hill(well, most days. Sometimes I just don't shower at all. Which makes for some very Kurt Cobainesque greasy locks).It reminds me of the time last year when I was in Korea and I didn't shower at my house for a month because I had bought a membership to a gym/public bathhouse, so I always bathed there. I say it reminds me of that, only the cleaning of myself isn't nearly as fun or relaxing here. Anyway, the dog at the house is cute; her name is Ellie. On an unrelated note, Asians are so funny! Check out this genius Japanese invention. Put those kids to work early dusting your floors- milk ain't free you know! I promise more on awesome/hilarious Asians in a later post.

Cute Baby
Cute Ellie