So the past few weeks have been pretty busy for me. I'm kind of taking care of a few places while the owners are gone, and that, combined with midterms, church callings, getting graduation stuff ready, and working was getting me all stressed out. Then today, I realized that I had left my phone charger at the house of the two that I didn't stay the night at.
At first I was a little worried about it, but I was feeling too tired after work to go and track the charger down, so I didn't. It has been one of the more relaxing days I can remember since I moved to Hawaii. Total freedom. In fact, I'm gonna leave it off for a few more days, and see how long it takes till I miss it. If I want to get in contact with someone, I'm just going to go to their house, and if they aren't there, tough luck. I'm not making any predictions, because it might only be one or two days till I come crawling back, but hey, maybe I'll love it and do this long-term. And if any of you need to contact me, just use Facebook I guess.