Saturday, November 7, 2009


Ok, here are pics of my hair before, during and after my mostly self-inflicted haircut.

This is my sad, somber, pre-cut face.

I did it myself for the most part, and I probably should have left it at about this length.

This is around the mullet phase.

A SWEEEET little tail!

All my hair in the sink...

It's basically a long buzzcut, but I'm proud of it.
Pretty short, but oh well, it will grow back.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Smell Bad!

Right now in my class there's some kind of a burning, chemically smell. Kind of like birthday candles...and Nair(don't ask me how I remember how that smells, I can't remember). I'm getting light-headed right now, but my professor doesn't care. UH is seriously a crappy school. This is like something from a Roald Dahl book(I'm thinking Matilda, but I don't really remember any foul-smelling incidents in there to be honest). Maybe I can convince my professor to let class out early...