Saturday, October 18, 2008

Be excellent to each other

Today in class my teacher said the Chinese emperor during the Han dynasty was "morally excellent... excellent." I couldn't help but think of the dynamic duo that is Bill and Ted, and I of course, began to chuckle. My teacher noticed, however, and asked what was so funny. Everyone of course looked at me, and gave me that look, you know the one. I responded "oh it's nothing", but he insisted. I just couldn't tell him, because honestly, it would have been a little weird. It was an awkward moment, to say the least. But the chuckle was worth it.

Thanks guys.

OK, onto more serious business. Tuesday I read an article in the newspaper by a guy named Cal Thomas. I didn't know, but this dude's a pretty famous columnist. It's an interesting article, titled "The End of 'We the People'". I found it again here- It's about how in Connecticut there was a recent ruling by the state supreme court allowing same-sex marriages. The ruling cannot be appealed. You may think, "so what? The world is becoming more tolerant of homosexuals, and so this seems pretty normal." As far as I'm concerned, homosexuality is not even the issue. The problem I see with this is that the judges have the power to create sanctions which deprived Connecticut citizens of the legal right to limit marriage to the legal relationship between a man and a woman. Whatever happened to "We the people"? Doesn't a ruling class of judges seem super unconstitutional? If judges in our present time are to be as powerful as King Solomon in their rulings, I wanna be a freakin judge;)

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